Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > Monthly Reports > 2013 September Monthly Report

2013 September Monthly Report


High winds were a constant problem various times during the month for Alaska. On the 3rd strong winds and heavy rain caused an advisory warning for the Elliott and Dalton highways. Then on the 20th storms caused four cruise ships to bypass Ketchikan, causing an estimated economic loss of $1.4 million. Later, on the 25th the last 2 cruise ships scheduled to land in Sitka for the season cancelled their port calls due to poor weather.

Sporadic earthquakes also struck various cities this month. On the 10th a 4.1 magnitude earthquake affected Anchorage, centered 15 miles northeast of the city. On the 15th a 6.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded near the Andreanof Islands, about 383 miles from Dutch Harbor.