Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > Monthly Reports > 2013 April Monthly Report

2013 April Monthly Report


High winds and heavy snow impaired traffic on the Steese Highway on the 3rd, while the Taylor Highway opened to traffic for the first time of the year on the 4th, earlier than normal. The late winter storm of the 8th and 9th generated whiteout conditions along the Parks Highway and resulted in school closing in the Mat-Su School District. The Steese Highway was closed again on the 12th due to high winds and blowing snow. After being opened earlier than normal, the Taylor Highway was closed due to snow drifts on the 18th, and only reopened to two lanes on the 21st. The Denali Park road was finally cleared to 30 miles on the 22nd due to cold, snowy April. In Fairbanks three geese made their first arrival at Creamers Field on the 3rd, the second earliest on record (the average date is April 9th). After making an appearance, they left to return when weather conditions improved. At Nenana, the Tanana River ice was still at 51" thick on the 25th when measured by officials with the Nenana Ice Classic; the thickest the ice has been this late in the year in decades.