Kodiak May 2012
Kodiak's average temperature of 42.5°F in May was 1.8°F below the long term mean. The highest temperature measured was 61°F on the 23rd, while the low temperature of 29°F occurred on the 13th. The minimum temperature of the 13thmatched the old minimum of 1965 for this day.
Monthly precipitation was measured at 5.93", close to the normal of 5.62". On the 12th0.8" of snow was reported, setting a new daily high. The old high was 0.7" set in 1971. Even later in the season, 2.4" of snowfall were reported for the 13th, also the day with the coldest temperature for May 2012. This surpasses the old record of 0.2 set in 1971. The monthly average wind speed was calculated as 9.2 mph, and on the 1sta gust of 40 mph was recorded, blowing from a westerly direction.