Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > Kodiak January 2012

Kodiak January 2012


Kodiak's average temperature of 21.4°F in January was 9.1°F below the long-term mean. This is a substantial deviation, but comparable with most of the rest of Alaska for the month. It is also the third coldest January ever measured in Kodiak. The highest temperature measured 50°F on the 10th, while the low temperature of -5°F occurred both on the 23rdand on the 27thof the month. Remarkable were the strong temperature variation, with new daily maxima around the 10thand new daily minima around the 25thof the month. The maximum of 50°F on the 10thbroke the old maximum of 49°F set in 1937. Then the low of -5°F on the 23rdwas a tie for record low set back in 1947. A second minimum tie of -2°F occurred on the 26thmatching the temperature set back in 1944. On the 27tha temperature of -5°F was recorded, a new record minimum for this day. The previous record low was ‑4°F set in 1989
Monthly precipitation was measured at 4.72", substantially below the expected amount of 8.29". The snowfall on the 17thmeasured as 5.3", and 5.1" more fell on the following day. These are new records. The old record for the 17thhad been 4.0", set in 1976, and for the 18th, 4.4", set in 1988. The monthly amount of snowfall set a new record with 53.4", surpassing the old record of 40.4" set in 2004.