Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > King Salmon May 2016

King Salmon May 2016


The mean monthly temperature for King Salmon for June was 49.0°F, 4.8°F above normal. The highest temperature for the month was 77°F on the 27th, which set a record for that day, breaking the old 2006 record by 1°F. The high of 71°F on the 13th tied the record from 2014, then the next day the high of 73°F broke the 2014 record of 72°F. On the 15th the high of 73°F tied the record also set in 2014. One other daily high record events were set: on the 14th a temperature of 73°F was observed breaking the old 2014 by 1°F. The lowest temperature for the month was 33°F occurring on the 19th.

Precipitation was heavier than normal with 3.17” measured, and 1.25” expected. No snowfall was observed, while 0.8” is normally expected. The average wind speed was 9.2 mph while the highest was 44 mph from a southeasterly direction on the 20th.