Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > King Salmon January 2015

King Salmon January 2015


The monthly mean temperature of King Salmon was 21.1°F, 4.9°F above the normal of 16.2°F. The highest temperature for the month was 48°F on the 8th, which also broke the record for that day set in 1955 by 4°F. Another record on the following day was set, the 45°F observed for the day breaking the old 1955 record by 1°F. The lowest temperature was -12°F on the 25th.

Precipitation was 0.52" for the month, 0.50" less than normal, hence snowfall was also light, with just a mere 7% of the 10.2" expected, with 0.7" measured for the month. The average wind speed was 11.3 mph, while the greatest wind speed was 48 mph from an easterly direction on the 8th.