King Salmon January 2013
In King Salmon the average temperature for January was 25.5°F, a significant 9.3°F above the long-term mean of 16.2°F. Temperatures varied, but tended above normal throughout the month. The minimum temperature (-11°F) for the month was reported on the 27th, while the maximum temperature occurred on the 12th at 49°F, marking a new record for this day, breaking the 2003 record of 45°F. In addition, the max of 42°F on the 22nd tied the record set in 1991.
King Salmon experienced a greater than normal amount of precipitation with a total of 2.40", 1.38", or 135%, above the long-term mean. The 13th experienced 0.33" of precipitation, a new record for this day, topping the old record of 0.26" from 1993. Total monthly snowfall was 13.0", 2.8" above normal. The average wind speed was 11.4 mph, and the highest gust of 68 mph occurred on the 19th, blowing from an easterly direction. This is also a new record wind speed for this day, breaking the 2011 record of 56 mph. Two other daily wind speed records were also set in January.