Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > King Salmon January 2012

King Salmon January 2012


King Salmon reported an average temperature of -6.7°F, far (-22.9°F) below to the long-term mean of 16.2°F. The high temperature for January was 37°F, recorded on the 10thof January while the low temperature of a chilly -40°F occurred on the 27th. New record low temperatures were set on the 12thof January, with a temperature of ‑35°F. The old record low of -29°F for this particular day was set in 1951. On the 25th, a minimum of -37°F was measured, replacing the old minimum of -32°F, which had occurred in 2006. The following day the temperature dropped to -39°F, replacing the old minimum of -34°F set in 1989.
The precipitation total was measured as 1.12", 10% above the normal of 1.02". Accordingly, the observed snowfall was slightly above the long-term average. On the 10thof January, 0.72" of precipitation were recorded, which is a new record for this day. It more than doubled the old record of 0.26", which had been set in 1957. Further, the snowfall for this day was 4.2", doubling the old record of 2.1" set in 1986. Average wind speed was 9.9 mph and the highest gust was recorded at 43 mph on the 10th, blowing from an easterly direction.