King Salmon February 2014
King Salmon had a mean temperature for February of 22.5°F, 3.7°F above the normal of 18.8°F. The highest temperature for the month was 45°F, occurring on the 23rd, where it tied the previous record for the day, and the 27th. -16°F was the lowest temperature of the month, recorded on the 17th.
Precipitation was near non-existent, with a mere 0.06", 0.7" below the normal. A scant 1.3" of snow was recorded, just 22% of the 6.0" normal amount. The greatest wind gust was 69 mph on the 22nd, from an easterly direction, while the month had an average wind speed of 13.3 mph. High wind speed records were set on the 7th and 26th.