Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > King Salmon April 2013

King Salmon April 2013


In King Salmon the average temperature for April was 28.4°F, 5.3°F below the long-term mean of 33.7°F. Temperatures started the month above normal, then cooled on the 5th, stayed cold till mid-month, then varied afterward. The minimum temperature (1°F) for the month was reported on the 9th and 11th, while the maximum temperature occurred on the 24th at 52°F. King Salmon experienced a dry April with a precipitation total of 0.20", or just 21%, above the long-term mean of 0.97". Total monthly snowfall was 0.8", 3.1" below normal. The average wind speed was 9.7 mph, and the highest gust of 43 mph occurred on the 25th, blowing from a northerly direction.