Juneau May 2015
May’s mean monthly temperature for Juneau was recorded at 54.1°F, 5.5°F above the long-term mean of 48.6°F, setting the record for highest mean monthly temperature, breaking the 52.7°F record set in 2005. Additionally the mean maximum temperature for the month was 65.7°F, breaking the 2005 record by 2.2°F. Juneau also had 13 days with a high temperature greater than or equal to 70°F, five more than the previous May record, set in 2010.
The highest temperature for the month was 77°F, occurring on both the 29th and 30th, and on the latter, a new record was set for that day, breaking the 1964 record by 2°F. The lowest temperature for the month was 32°F occurring on the 5th.
Precipitation was just 15% of the normal amount, with 0.52” measured, and 3.40” expected. This low precipitation resulted in the driest May on record, with the old record set in 2004 at 0.84”. The average wind speed was 5.9 mph, while the highest was 32 mph blowing from an easterly direction on the 4th.