Juneau May 2013
The average temperature in Juneau for May was only slightly cooler than the long term mean, at 48.0°F or a mere 0.6°F below the normal value. The maximum temperature for the month was observed on the 27th and 29th, at 68°F, while the coldest temperature for the month was recorded on the 7th and 20th, at 30°F.
The precipitation in Juneau was at 5.33" or 1.93" above the normal value. A daily record amount of precipitation was recorded on the 1st at 0.91", breaking the old record of 0.76" set in 1980. Similarly, on the 31st the recorded value of 1.10" broke the 1948 record of 0.91". The average wind speed was 8.2mph, with the maximum wind speed recorded at 50mph, coming from a southeasterly direction on the 1st.