Juneau February 2012
In Juneau, the average temperature was 33.7°F, 3.6°F above normal for February. Despite the above normal temperature, 26 of the 29 days had minimum temperatures at the freezing point or below. The maximum temperatures for the month (48°F) occurred on the 3rdand 9thand the minimum temperature (16°F) occurred on the 26th. The temperature on the 3rdwas an absolute high for this specific day, surpassing the old record high of 1984 by 4°F. The high temperature of the 9th(48°F) also established a new record, surpassing the temperatures reached on this day in 1968 and 1963 by 1°F.
Precipitation totaled 3.10" water-equivalent, which is 1.03" below normal. The observed snowfall measured 5.2", which represents 31% of the normal value. Further, sky cover was high with 80%. Average wind speed at Juneau Airport was 8.6 mph with a peak wind gust of a substantial 56 mph on the 3rdFebruary, blowing from a southeasterly direction.