Fairbanks September 2010
The average temperature for Fairbanks in September was 47.1°F, 2.3°F warmer than the long term mean. The high temperature was 70°F on the 13th and the low was 14°F on the 28th. The first frost of the season, 32°F occurred on the 22nd, and low temperatures remained below freezing for the rest of the month. This extended the normal length of the growing season by 2-weeks. Total precipitation for the month was 1.19”, 12% above normal. On the 8th, Fairbanks AP reported a record rainfall amount of 0.78”, breaking the old record of 0.59” set in 1920. There were reports of very light snow flurries on the 26th, in the hills north of Fairbanks, specifically in the Murphy Dome area. Winds in September averaged 4 mph, with the highest gust of 31 mph recorded on the 24th.