Fairbanks June 2011
In Fairbanks the average temperature was 60.4°F, 0.7°F above the long term mean for June. The high temperature for the month was 88°F on the 25th of June. This high temperature caused a large number of thunderstorms, and 4,300 lightning strikes were reported during the day, and they generated 10 new wildfires. The lowest temperature was 43°F observed on the 10th of the month. In general it was found that the daily temperatures for the month were close to normal, and no new daily records, be it maxima or minima, were observed during the month of June. Precipitation for June was high with a total of 1.77", 26% above the expected value. Substantially more precipitation was recorded in the upper Chena Basin: large variations are typical for the summer season for the Interior region, due to shower activity caused by thunderstorms, which are more patchy than precipitation due to frontal activity. The Chena River was close to flood stage, and on the Salcha River some minor flooding did occurr. Wind speed averaged 4.7 mph and the highest gust was 32 mph on the 12th.