Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > Fairbanks July 2011

Fairbanks July 2011


In Fairbanks the average temperature was 61.7°F, 0.8°F below the long term mean for July. The high temperature for the month was 81°F on the 22nd of July, while the lowest temperature of 45°F was observed on the 17th and 20th of the month. In general it was found that the whole month was close to normal and no new daily records, be it maxima or minima, were logged during July.

Precipitation in July was 1.70", just 2% below the expected value. However, the month was cloudy (mean sky cover 74%) and on 16 days some precipitation was detected, three days more than normal. Substantially more precipitation was recorded in the upper Chena Basin. As pointed out already in the June report, large variations in rainfall are typical for the summer season in the Interior, due to shower activity caused by thunderstorms, which is patchier than precipitation due to frontal activity. Wind speed averaged 4.0 mph and the highest gust was 35 mph on the 6th.