Delta Junction September 2012
In Big Delta the mean temperature for September (47.4°F) was a substantial 3.5°F above the long-term normal of 43.9°F. The highest temperature (66°F) was observed on the 16thand 19th, while the lowest temperature dropped below freezing (25°F), and occurred relatively early in the month on the 11th. Temperatures were mixed in regard to the expected trend, with cooler temperatures during the first half, and warmer temperatures in the second half. Correlating to that trend were the daily temperature record events, with the low on the 11thof 25°F tying the record from 1992. Then on the 19ththe record high of 66°F from 1995 was tied.
Precipitation was reported at a total of 0.12", a meager 12% of the expected amount (1.03").