Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > Delta Junction September 2011

Delta Junction September 2011


Big Delta reported a mean temperature of 47.8°F, which is 3.9°F above the long-term mean temperature for September. The high temperature of the month was observed on the 13th at 71°F, surpassing the maximum temperature recorded for August 2011 by 1°F. Furthermore, it was a new maximum daily record for this date, surpassing the old value of 67°F, which occurred both in 1965 and 1956. The low temperatures for the month occurred on the 26th and 29th at 30°F for both days. The 26th was also the first day of frost which is quite late in the season. Precipitation totaled 0.27", 74% below the expected amount. No new precipitation record events were set.