Anchorage October 2013
34.8°F, making this the warmest October on record, breaking the 1936 record of 42.1°F. The highest temperature of 57°F was measured on October 16th, while the lowest was 26°F occurred on the 23rd and 24th. The high temperature of 52°F on the 28th was a new daily record, topping the old value of 49°F from 1959. For nearly all days of the month, temperatures were near, or above normal.
Precipitation was measured at 3.22", 159% of the normal of 2.03". On the 28th, 0.94" of rain fell, breaking the 1962 record of 0.69". The mean monthly wind speed was 7.7 mph and the greatest wind gust of 47 mph was observed on the 15th blowing from a southerly direction.