Alaska Climate Research Center

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Home > Arctic Sea Ice > Arctic Sea Ice Extent: August 12, 2021

Arctic Sea Ice Extent: August 12, 2021

August 12, 2021: Over the past week the sea ice has now decreased from last week by a lesser rate of 4.45% from the level on 08/05/2021 of 6.071 M km2 to 
5.801 M km2 for this week.  The rate of loss at this time is not as low as in 2020, however, it is even with the all-time low season of 2012. We are at a critical time to see whether this year may be record-breaking or not.

Plot Compiled by: Howard J. Diamond, PhD; Climate Science Program Manager at NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory Data Source: National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC;
Plots Compiled by: Howard J. Diamond, PhD; Climate Science Program Manager at NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory Data Source: National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC;