Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > Monthly Reports > 2020 February Monthly Report

2020 February Monthly Report


  • Extreme cold weather persists over most of Alaska ranking this winter (Dec- Feb.) as the coldest winter since 1992 in the arctic. Kotzebue was 13°F colder than normal.
  • Precipitation was above normal in large parts of the state. Snowfall was above normal in Anchorage, Bettles, and Juneau. Fairbanks received near-normal snowfall.
  • Heavy precipitation on the eastern Kenai peninsula have eliminated the abnormally dry conditions there. Drought conditions have slowly improved also over the panhandle, but long-term deficits still remain so the area is still classified as abnormally dry.
  • Sea ice extent has increased by 3.80% during the last month. The sea ice extent is about the same as the 2012 level.
  • Cold Bay broke the previous record maximum daily temperature on February 29th of 45°F by 9°F. The new record for that day is 54°F.
  • Anchorage sets a new daily snowfall record on February 18th, the same day as it tied the daily record for maximum high temperature.