Utqiaġvik January 2017
The mean monthly temperature in January for Barrow was -0.3°F, a substantial 13.1°F above normal. The highest temperature for the month was 36°F on the 1st, while the lowest was -36°F on the 19th. The high temperature set a record for that day, breaking the old 1928 by 6°F. Two other high record events were set: the 34°F observed on the 2nd broke the 1968 record for that day by 4°F and the 30°F on the 3rd broke the old 2004 record for that day by 1°F.
Precipitation was 0.47”, 0.34” above normal, while snowfall was measured at 4.7”, 2.1” above the expected value. 3.1” of this snowfall fell on the 1st, breaking the old 1924 record for that day by 1.5”. The average wind speed was 13.8 mph while the highest wind speed was 59 mph on the 5th from a northwesterly direction.