Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > Nome September 2013

Nome September 2013


Nome's mean temperature for September was 39.9°F, 2.9°F below the normal amount of 42.8°F. Throughout the month, temperatures were either within the normal range, or below normal, which was dominant in the second half of the month. The highest temperature was observed on the 9th, at 55°F. The coldest occurred on the last day of the month, with a chilly 21°F recorded on the 30th.

1.98" of precipitation was recorded, 81% of the normal amount.  The rainfall of the 12th with 0.70” contributed more than 1/3 of the amount, and established a new record for this day. Further, the first measurable snowfall (0.70”) on the 23rd, with a monthly total of 1.1”. Mean monthly wind speed was calculated as 7.3 mph and the greatest gust was recorded on the 2nd at 35mph, from a northerly direction.