Alaska Climate Research Center

The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
The Alaska State Climate Center
Home > City Summaries > King Salmon December 2011

King Salmon December 2011


King Salmon reported an average temperature of 17.6°F, below (deviation -1.0°F) the long-term mean of 18.6°F. The highest temperature in December was 51°F, recorded on the 3rd of December. This represents a new absolute high for this day. The previous record was 48°F set in 2002. On the following day a maximum temperature of 46°F was observed, surpassing the old record of 45°F by 1°F set in 2008. The low temperature of the month of -31°F occurred on the last day of December. However, the previous day recorded a low of -29°F, which represents a new record minimum for this day, as the previous record was -25°F set in 1997. In general, the first 2/3 of the month was seasonally somewhat too warm. Thereafter, the temperatures dropped steadily, and by the end of the month far below normal temperatures were observed. The precipitation total was measured at 1.64", above the long term mean of 1.23". Especially remarkable was the record snowfall event on the 11th December with 10", setting a new record for this day. The old record, set in 1963, was only 3", hence it was really an extraordinary event, shattering the old record by more than a factor of 3. Average wind speed was 8.8 mph and the highest gust was recorded at 61 mph on the 10th, blowing from a southeasterly direction.