King Salmon April 2014
King Salmon was warmer than normal in April, with a monthly mean of 38.1°F, which was 4.4°F above the normal of 33.7°F. The highest temperature for the month was 61°F on the 30th, while the lowest was 7°F on the 9th. On the 20th, the observed temperature of 59°F broke a 1979 record of 57°F, and the next day on the 21st, the recorded 57°F for that day broke a 1979 of 54°F. Finally, on the 23rd the high of 56°F tied the 2003 record.
Precipitation was a little move than half the expected amount, with 0.52" of precipitation observed. Snowfall, however, was much less than normal, with only 0.5" observed this month, just 13% of the normal amount of 3.9". The highest wind speed was 46 mph on the 25th from an easterly direction, while the average wind speed was 9.3 mph. The peak wind on the 13th, measured at 41 mph broke the 2011 record of 35 mph.