Juneau May 2012
In Juneau, the average temperature was 44.7°F, a substantial -3.9°F below the long term mean. The maximum temperatures for the month (59°F) occurred on the 24th this value is lower than the maximum temperature observed in April and it was the 8thcoldest May in terms of the daily maximum temperature ever observed in Juneau. One has to go back to 1955 to find a May with a lower average maximum temperature. The minimum temperature (35°F) was recorded on the 15thof May. However, no new daily extremes were observed.
Precipitation totaled 5.73", 77% above the normal of 3.24". It rained on 29 days of the month, and May 2012 was the 4thwettest May on record. Trace snowfall occurred on three days. The trace snowfall on the 15thwas a 'record' in that snowfall had not been recorded on this day before. The mean monthly wind speed was 9.9 mph, with a maximum gust of 44 mph occurring on 20th, blowing from southeast. Furthermore, mean cloudiness was high with 90%.