Juneau February 2013
The average temperature in Juneau for February was 35.5°F, 5.4°F above the long-term mean of 30.1°F, and was the sixth warmest February on record. The maximum temperature of the month was 43°F on the 9th, while the minimum was 22°F which occurred on the 5th. Temperatures were quite consistent with small diurnal variation, and stayed above normal for nearly all of the month.
Like January, February's total precipitation was heavier than normal at 6.61", 60% above the expected amount of 4.13". Precipitation was recorded on days except the 25th. Total snowfall for the month was 1.4", 15.4" below normal. Due to the warmer than normal temperatures, less precipitation fell as snow than expected, which explains the above normal precipitation, but the significantly below normal snowfall. The average wind speed was 11.3 mph, and the maximum wind speed of 48 mph occurred on the 27th, blowing from a southeasterly direction.