Fairbanks March 2016
March's mean monthly temperature in Fairbanks was 19.8°F, 8.4°F above normal. The highest temperature for the month was 51°F on the 25th, which also set a record for that day, breaking the old 1999 record by 1°F. The lowest temperature for the month was -20°F on the 18th.
Precipitation was higher than normal with 0.53" measured and 0.25" expected. Contributing to this was the 0.30" that fell on the 29th, which set a record for that day, breaking the old 1965 of 0.18". Snowfall, however, was less than normal with 3.7" measured and 4.9" expected. The average wind speed was 4.6 mph, while the highest was 25 mph from a northerly direction on the 31st.